January 12, 2017


I've always been a reader but I've never been a focused reader. I wanted to change that this year. Plus it fits along with my theme of focus and growth. One thing I noticed about dedicating time to reading is how much better I feel afterwards. Almost like meditation to me. It is now a form of self care. Normally I jump around reading more than one book at a time, because of this I can never actually finish a book. It became upsetting and began to feel like I was hording books. I would buy a book, read a few pages, repeat over and over. 

Before the end of 2016 I decided to start taking on a minimalist approach to a good portion of my life and that meant clearing out books. That is what lead me to wanting to read with a purpose. I sat down and chose only a couple books I truly wanted to keep and read. I donated the rest to libraries and offered up others to those who wanted them for free (just shipping costs). I felt relieved they were going to go places they were needed and would actually be used.

Moving onto 2017, I made a choice that I would not get a new book until I have finished reading one whole book. I also decided unless I am hopeless in love with a book and need to feel it in my hands, I would only read a book via my Kindle. That way I didn't have the clutter in my home. With those choices made, decided to set a certain amount to read in a year. I have never done a challenge of sorts like that before, but I felt it would help me focus on keeping the commitment to read daily. 

My goal for 2017 is 12 books. How will this happen? Well I will dedicate 30 mins every morning (fits in with my miracle mornings) and 30 mins before bed (which helps me to relax for a good night's sleep). I even hopped on goodreads to keep my list of want to read books and read books. 

For those interested I would like to suggest two books that I have read numerous times and still love. First, Ishmael by Daniel Quinn. Second, All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten by Robert Fulghum. Both excellent books, filled with useful and sometimes thought provoking words of wisdom.


In no particular order:
Top 5 Regrets of the Dying by  Bronnie Ware
The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod
The New Jim Crow by  Michelle Alexander
The New Earth by Eckhart Tolle
The Hidden Life of Trees by  Peter Wohlleben
Love Warrior: A Memoir by  Glennon Doyle Melton 
The New Jim Crow by  Michelle Alexander
Enough by Patrick Rhone
When Breath Becomes Air by Paul Kalanithi

Find me on goodreads here. 

What are you reading this year? Are you part of a book club or doing a reading challenge? Let me know all about it!

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